Zoom webinar series continues!

The health of our members and business partners is important to us. Therefore, in light of global precautions for the COVID-19 Coronavirus, and building upon recommendations from the World Health Organization, ASAP University Automation 20/20 is going virtual. The kickoff is planned for September 30, 2020.

ASAP University Virtual FAQ

New and experienced users alike are inspired by five full days of unparalleled, rigorous Workload Scheduler and Z Workload Scheduler training, education, and enhancements that help you maximize your company’s investment in the IBM/HCL Workload Automation product suite.

Session: IBM Workload Automation Roadmap and Strategy

Date: November 10, 2021
Webinar ID: 847 0878 8516
Passcode: 725528

Session: Birds of a Feather for Z – Rest APIs & Cross Dependencies

Date: November 15, 2021
Webinar ID: 810 6411 6164
Passcode: 687492

Session:  Birds of a Feather for Distributed – Certificates & Plug Ins

Date: November 17, 2021
Webinar ID:  874 1757 2383
Passcode: 606419 

Learn. Explore. Achieve. Results.