ASAP Cy’s Corner2024-07-10T14:39:34+00:00

ASAP Cy’s Corner

Cy’s Corner #112

By |October 20, 2024|Cy's Corner|

Fall 2024 Edition

In September we saw historic levels of flooding and destruction from hurricanes and even unnamed

storms in the coastal areas and western mountains of North Carolina.  Here […]

Cy’s Corner #111

By |July 15, 2024|Cy's Corner|

Summer 2024 Edition July 15, 2024

We’ve already had two different kinds of summer here in North Carolina this year –  the first was hot and very dry, the second […]

Cy’s Corner #110

By |April 16, 2024|Cy's Corner|

Spring 2024 Edition April 15, 2024

Winter is over and change freezes have “thawed”.  We are seeing a lot of activity for release

migrations and […]

Cy’s Corner #109

By |January 19, 2024|Cy's Corner|

Winter 2024 Edition January 19, 2024

It’s been cold here in North Carolina for the last few weeks, and lots of rain (no snow so far).  Being stuck inside because of […]

Cy’s Corner #108

By |October 15, 2023|Cy's Corner|

Fall 2023 Edition

“When Autumn Leaves Start to Fall”  The song by Joseph Kousma (lyrics by Jacques Prevert) captures the bittersweet season perfectly.  It is both looking back (perhaps with some […]

Cy’s Corner #107

By |August 1, 2023|Cy's Corner|

Post-ASAP 2023 Edition

I had to leave early the last day of ASAP (plane scheduling issues) or I would have found out earlier of the honorary title bestowed on me […]

Cy’s Corner #106

By |April 14, 2023|Cy's Corner|

I’ve kept (so far) my New Year’s resolution to have quarterly updates.  Only 35 days until WKLD in Cincinnati!   Some of what follows may be “spoiler alerts” for sessions at […]

Cy’s Corner #105

By |January 9, 2023|Cy's Corner|

Last April I wrote that  I was going to try to go back to a once a quarter schedule.  That didn’t happen.

So my resolution for this year is to […]

Cy’s Corner #104

By |April 15, 2022|Cy's Corner|

It’s been a while (again) since I have written one of these!  I am going to try to go back to a once a quarter schedule.

Two big anniversaries for […]

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