How can you benefit from ASAP?
Membership in ASAP – TWS Education & Training offers an array of BENEFITS to the organizations that join:
Education and Training: A major Tivoli Workload Scheduler (TWS) educational training seminar per year is held in various cities within the continental United States. Membership in ASAP – TWS Education & Training entitles each attendee of a member company to a discount on registration fees.
Tivoli Workload Scheduler Product Enhancement Requirements: As a member of ASAP – TWS Education & Training, the official user group for distributed and mainframe Tivoli Workload Scheduler, an organization has the right to participate in the ASAP requirements process. The requirements submitted and voted upon by ASAP members are submitted to IBM on an annual basis and influence with the IBM development team on the future of the product(s).
Company Profile Directory: The ASAP – TWS Education & Training company directory, updated annually, is to the voting representatives of member companies. Inclusion in this guide is voluntary and is open to members only. This guide is a valuable resource to users of Tivoli Workload Scheduler products for locating similarly configured systems.
Newsletters: Published quarterly are newsletters containing articles submitted by members, letters from Board of Directors and other items of interest and value to users of Tivoli Workload Scheduler products. Upon request ASAP provides research of Tivoli Workload Scheduler related resources. ASAP programs provide networking opportunities for informally sharing Tivoli Workload Scheduler related information and issues.
Specialty Mailings, Notices & Invitations: Members receive specialty mailings of particular interest to users of Tivoli Workload Scheduler products which have been approved by the Board of Directors. Members receive direct notification of IBM webcams, Redbooks, conferences and other Tivoli Workload Scheduler related information.
Tivoli Workload Scheduler Related Downloads including: ASAP Cookbook containing user routines, exits, & examples include codes written by users is available via the “members only” page of the ASAP web site; CysToys3, a collection of utilities, jobstreams, REXX programs, and OPC USERMODS Cy Atkinson installed on his test systems in RTP; technical presentations from past conferences.
Member Handbook & Web Site: Mission Statement, Canons of Conduct, Board of Directors, Bylaws, Member Services, Company Profiles, Annual Timeline and organizational forms are included in the ASAP Member Handbook and in the “Members Only” section of the ASAP web site.
Tivoli Workload Scheduler Customer Advisor Council (CAC): As members of ASAP you have a voice at the IBM TWS CAC through the ASAP board of directors. The ASAP board of directors along with representatives of several other companies using Tivoli Workload Scheduler are invited to participate in the TWS CAC which meets on the day prior to the start of the annual conference and throughout the year via conference calls. All members are invited to express their concerns and opportunities to members of the ASAP board for consideration at the TWS CAC.