Membership in ASAP Workload Automation User Community – the leader in IBM/HCL Workload Automation and IBM/HCL Z Workload Scheduler training and education – offers an array of BENEFITS to the organizations that join:

ASAP University:

One major training and education program is held annually in various cities within the continental United States. Membership in ASAP entitles every representative of a member company a significant tuition discount.

Product Enhancement Requirements:

In 2011, IBM Workload Scheduler and IBM Workload Scheduler for z/OS was added to the IBM Request for Enhancement (RFE) community, allowing users to submit product requirements directly, without the need to contact anyone at IBM. Since that time, dozens of requirements to improve IBM Workload Scheduler and IBM Workload Scheduler for z/OS have been submitted. ASAP has created an RFE group that allows members to collect, highlight, and vote on requirements, which adding great weight to ASAP member priorities.

As an ASAP member you may join the ASAP RFE group and leverage the power of membership to influence enhancements to IBM Workload Scheduler and IBM Workload Scheduler for z/OS . This will also allow you to easily find and track requests made by others that may be of interest to your organization. You can even monitor the status of specific requirements (called a watchlist) and receive email updates when items in the watchlist change status.

Company Profile Directory:

The ASAP Company Directory, updated annually, is available to the voting representatives of member companies. Inclusion in this guide is voluntary and is open to members only. This guide is a valuable resource to users of IBM Workload Scheduler and IBM Workload Scheduler for z/OS for locating similarly configured systems.

Specialty Mailings, Notices & Invitations:

Members receive specialty mailings of particular interest to users of IBM Workload Scheduler and IBM Workload Scheduler for z/OS which have been approved by the Board of Directors. Members receive direct notification of IBM web conference meetings, Redbooks, conferences and other IBM Workload Scheduler and IBM Workload Scheduler for z/OS related information.

TWS Related Downloads including:

ASAP Cookbook containing user routines, exits, & examples include codes written by users is available via the “members only” page of the ASAP web site; CysToys3, a collection of utilities, jobstreams, REXX programs, and OPC USERMODS Cy Atkinson installed on his test systems in RTP; technical presentations from past conferences.

Member Handbook & Web Site:

Mission Statement, Canons of Conduct, Board of Directors, Bylaws, Member Services, Company Profiles, Annual Timeline and organizational forms are included in the ASAP Member Handbook and in the “Members Only” section of the ASAP web site.

IBM Workload Scheduler
and IBM Workload Scheduler for
z/OS Customer Advisory Council (CAC):

As members of ASAP you have a voice at IBM Workload Scheduler and IBM Workload Scheduler for z/OS Customer Advisory Council through the ASAP Board of Directors. The ASAP board of directors is invited to participate in the CAC which meets on-site during the first day of the conference and throughout the year via conference calls. All members are invited to express their concerns and opportunities to members of the ASAP board for consideration at the CAC.

Board of Directors:

The ASAP Board of Directors is comprised of representatives from member companies in good standing and elected / reaffirmed at the annual meeting of members which is held in conjunction with ASAP University. For more information or to apply to join the board please complete the ASAP Board Nomination Form and submit it to

To Join Today

Detailed membership information, membership data form, and payment information can be found via the following links:

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