Formerly known as ASAP Corporate Membership, the ASAP Licensee Membership is for corporations or government agencies that hold a license to use the Workload Scheduler and/or Workload Automation suite of products to manage their respective data processing jobs. A corporation or government agency is required to have a separate membership for each licensing agreement with IBM. Licensee members are entitled to one vote in ASAP elections, to serve as a member of a committee and, when also certified, to hold office as a director or officer of the corporation or serve as chairperson of a committee.
Some of the other benefits your company can expect as an ASAP Licensee Member include:
- Full registration for all member representatives of your company/agency to ASAP University – an unsurpassed training and education program on Workload Scheduler and Workload Automation suite of products – at significant tuition discounts.*
- Opportunity for your executives to effect the direction of the Workload Scheduler and Workload Automation suite of products through the ASAP-driven ASAP Council of Executives.
- Participation in the ASAP RFE group that allows members to individually and collectively gather, highlight, and vote on Workload Scheduler and Workload Automation requirements.
- Complimentary Workload Scheduler certification testing at ASAP University.
- Quarterly are newsletters containing articles from HCL Level 2 Technical Support, business partners and other items of interest and value to users of TWS products along with ASAP programs provide networking opportunities for informally sharing Workload Scheduler related information and issues.
- Specialty mailings, notices and invitations of particular interest to user of the Workload Scheduler and Workload Automation suite of products along with direct notification of IBM web conference meetings, Redbooks, conferences and other TWS related information.
- ASAP Cookbook containing user routines, exits, & examples include codes written by users is available via the “members only” page of the ASAP web site; CysToys3, a collection of utilities, jobstreams, REXX programs, and OPC USERMODS Cy Atkinson installed on his test systems in RTP; technical presentations from past conferences.
- A voice at IBM/HCL Workload Scheduler Customer Advisory Council, which meets on-site during the first day of the conference and throughout the year via conference calls. All members are invited to express their concerns and opportunities to members of the ASAP board for consideration at the CAC.
* Membership entitles a member organization to send its representatives to ASAP University, the annual user training and education program, at the discounted member rate. This benefit is also extended to consultants and representatives of outsourcing companies that serve as managers, administrators or operators for a company that outsources the job functions for Workload Scheduler and Workload Automation. In the event that a licensee is not a member, an outsourcing company may become a member based on their respective client’s valid licensing agreement to use the Workload Scheduler and Workload Automation suite of products. The membership purchased by the outsourcing company extends the full benefits of membership to its representatives serving the Workload Scheduler or Workload Automation licensee along with representatives of the licensee. The membership benefits do not apply to representatives of the outsourcing company who service another licensee.
Licensed Membership follows the calendar year. Annual dues are $650. New Licensed Members that join ASAP from July through September pay only 50% of the annual membership fee their first year. Those that join October through December will pay $650, which will cover the remainder of the year that they join plus the following year. Valid only for first time newly joining members.
To have your organization become an ASAP License Member complete the License Member Data Sheet for board approval and pay member dues by using the link below or by selecting License Member under the Merchandise tab of the ASAP conference registration site.